Warm for Winter

We have active campaign periods that fulfil specific needs in the community. One of these, and the most crucial to both our operation and families is our Winter Appeal.

During June and July, we actively fundraise and gather donations across the greater Auckland area so we can keep as many people warm as possible. These items are then instantly distributed back into the community through our Support Professionals. Out of winter we focus on the West Auckland area and work with Waitemata Police, WDHB public health nurses and Social Workers, Women’s Refuge groups and Charitable Trusts. We will also respond to emergency requests through these avenues.

Places to Donate

Other Give a Kid a Blanket Activity

  • We keep a basic food pantry for Police, public health nurses and social workers to request food support for families.
  • Support Waitemata Police with ‘Operation Star’ each year Nov-Jan. This involves providing food hampers and Christmas gifts to vulnerable families.
  • Support Tama Toa & Hine Toa Programme, Waitemata West Police Waitakere Youth Development & Projects.
  • Provide ‘Family care’ packs to North shore and Auckland Hospital’s Intensive Care Units. These offer practical comfort to those families who have loved ones in the care of ICU.
  • Support ‘Feed the Homeless’ with their monthly meal with food and blankets, sleeping bags, clothes etc.
  • Support ‘Potluck Communal Kai’ with food for their monthly community meal in Ranui, West Auckland.